- the detailed article provides an overview of the implementation of the Goo-like in “The Gunk”
- explains the underlying voxel-based implementation, how it’s represented and interacts with gameplay
- describes how it’s authored and rendered integrated into UE
- additionally presents how the effect is rendered using a ray-marching-based approach

- the sample is part of Nvidia RTX Mega Geometry and presents how to use a continuous Level of detail through mesh clustering
- presents how to rasterize using mesh shaders and use the new VK_NV_cluster_acceleration_structure for raytracing
- provided documentation provides a detailed walkthrough of the sample code and the underlying implementation

- the blog post provides an overview of the latest released features in the D3D12 Agility SDK update
- the SDK introduces Shader hash bypass, reduced alignment requirements for buffers, as well as the recreation of resources at specific virtual addresses
- as well as shared links to updates to the d3d12 video encoding functionality

- continuation of custom lighting model using Unreal and Unity
- this part covers Phong, Blinn formula, as well as Half Lambert, diffuse
- implementation is shown using visual shader language

- the blog post presents new features for D3D12 video encoding
- allows developers to provide additional hints (such as motion vectors or dirty rectangles) to speed up the encoder processing
- also now allows frames to be split into sub-regions with individual progress tracking and data access control

- first, experimental support for Cooperative vectors has been added to Slang
- the blog post explains the features and presents two examples of how to use it
- additionally provides a link to the SPIR-V extension

- Nvidia open-sourced a mesh processing library that allows meshes to be split into meshlets and calculate LOD cluster that allows for continues LODs
- documentation explains the API, how the implementation approaches the decimation and split steps
- additionally, explain the limitations (there are a number of them at this time)

Thanks to Angel Ortiz for support of this series.
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