Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 202 - September 26, 2021

Creative Use of GPU Fixed-Function Hardware

  • the article presents a few examples of how GPU fixed function hardware is used for other purposes besides the intended use-case
  • including examples from nanite and an example of a point list was used for histogram generation
  • the author is looking for user submissions of other examples

Gentle introduction to GPUs inner workings

  • the article provides an introduction to more hardware level information about GPU execution
  • presents an overview for Nvidia, AMD, and intel information
  • discussing many topics such as occupancy, register file, cache, scalar, and vector work
  • additionally presents performance pitfalls and explains why they happen

Understanding Metal Enhancements in the A15 Bionic GPU

  • the article provides a summary of the new hardware features in Apple GPUs
  • covering lossy compression, sparse texture support, and SIMD improvements

[video] NVIDIA’s New Technique: Beautiful Models For Less!

  • the video provides a paper summary from NVidia that uses differentiable rendering to simplify geometry
  • shows several examples, including a Disney island vegetation reduction to less than 1% of source vertex count

CodeGen Performant Convolution Kernels for Mobile GPUs

  • the article presents how to use MLIR (Multi-Level IR Compiler Framework) for efficient SPIR-V code generation for convolution filters
  • shows how to take the logical expression of the task and transform it into patterns that are efficiently executed on ARM Mali GPUs

GPU Dashboards in Jupyter Lab

  • NVidia provides an open-source dashboard for Jupyter and a standalone Boker server
  • these dashboards are python based and expose real-time graphs for metrics such as memory usage, utilization, or memory traffic
  • the article shows how users can extend the dashboards

[video] Diffuse Lighting in OpenGL

  • video tutorial that explains lambert diffuse lighting function
  • additionally also covers the required coordinate space transformations,
  • finally shows how to implement the lighting model into OpenGL + GLSL

Thanks to Manish Mathai for support of this series.

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