Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 283 - April 16th, 2023

[video] Advanced Graphics Summit: 'Marvel's Spider-Man' Remastered: A PC Postmortem

  • the talk discusses how the PC port approaches PSO management to reduce stutter and manage memory when the game was designed for unified memory
  • how they approached ray-tracing for parity with the PS5 implementation and what extension got added to improve the quality
  • detailed section on how to further debug GPU issues on PC and how to deal with super wide resolution rendering

[video] Everyone can understand transformation matrices - and how it works

  • the video explains visually to read and understand 4x4 transformation matrixes
  • explains the basic of matrix/vector operations
  • presents how to combine the operations to allow rotations, scaling, and translations of objects using a visual approach

Half baked and a half: a small update

  • the blog post describes the approach of incrementally accumulating voxel data to augment the reprojection of the previous depth buffer
  • shows images of how the depth buffer develops over time and how small sub-voxels can help to improve the results

Direct3D 12: Adventures in Shaderland

  • the article describes how Godot converts SPIR-V shaders to DXIL for D3D12
  • covers the old approaches (SPIRV-Cross) and why it was replaced with using Mesa’s NIR approach
  • discusses what SPIR-V Specialization constants are and how a patchable DXIL is created to allow the approach with D3D12

[video] I3D 2023 Papers Preview

  • the video presents an overview of the papers that will be presented during the I3D 2023 in Bellevue
  • covering interactive Neural Radiance Fields, importance sampling for Dynamic Diffuse Global Illumination, real-time dune simulation, and many more

[video] Cyberpunk 2077 Ray Tracing: Overdrive Technology Preview on RTX 4090

  • the video presents the visual difference the overdrive (ReStir-based) raytracing implementation for Cyberpunk 2077 can achieve
  • compares against the prior ray tracing implementation and the maximum rasterization quality
  • shows cases where the mode makes a huge difference
  • additionally presents the performance influence of the mode

NVIDIA Displacement Micro-Map Toolkit

  • Nvidia released the Displacement Micro-Map Toolkit SDK
  • provided samples and documentation explaining the capability and how to use them from Vulkan
  • the technique allows the triangle to be sub-divided and displaced with a highly compressible format
  • this can be raytraced to add additional detail at lower costs

From 0 to glTF with WebGPU: The First Triangle - Updated for Chrome 113 Release

  • the tutorial shows how to render a first triangle with WebGPU
  • this is using the final WebGPU spec as it is now publically available in Chrome

Web3D Survey

  • the website collects information about the API and extension availability for Web-based usage
  • supports WebGL, WebGL2 and WebGPU

Thanks to Robert Wallis for support of this series.

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